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Lingo Announces Public Presale For Its Token | EVM News




Paris, France, June 24th, 2024, Chainwire

Lingo, the innovative project that seeks to build a rewarding token, is thrilled to announce its Public Presale. As a leading gamified, RWA-powered rewards ecosystem, Lingo is designed for the next billion wave of consumer crypto. Users can stake or quest $LINGO to potentially win real-life rewards.

Lingo’s Reward Ecosystem

Lingo’s rewards ecosystem partnered with top Web3 projects like Magic Eden, Travala and Fizen. The partnership network resulted in rewards redeemable for over 3,000 brands, including Spotify, Netflix, Starbucks, Nike, and PlayStation, providing tangible value to its users. This is a key element to mass adoption that is amongst the main challenges in crypto adoption. By participating in the Lingo network, users can potentially earn real-life rewards as active and passive ecosystem participants.

The RWA Narrative

With Lingo investors managing over $3 billion in assets, Lingo aims to be positioned at the forefront of the Real-World Assets (RWA) movement. Building on Base and Solana, Lingo leverages RWA to power tangible rewards through its innovative ecosystem. As potential interest in RWA is on the rise, Lingo is poised to lead this frontier in the crypto industry.

How It Works

Lingo introduces a new model of generating tangible community rewards supported by Real World Assets. The business model reinvests platform fees into RWAs, creating consistent value and compounding growth in the rewards pool.

Exclusive Benefits for Lingo Island Participants

Lingo Islands, Lingo’s recent SocialFi campaign that went viral on crypto Twitter with over 8 million tweets and half a million participants in less than four weeks, offers exclusive benefits. Holders of First Class, Business Class, Priority Pass, and Economy Pass tickets will unlock special pricing, priority access and increased chances of allocation.

Public Presale Details

  • Sale Platform: Official Lingo website
  • Official Announcement: Lingo’s official X account
  • Launch Date: June 27, 2024, 11 AM EST, 5 PM CET, 11 PM HK

Community and Network Growth

Lingo has achieved the following traction:

  • Private Round: $12 million raised, with $35 million in oversubscription
  • User Base: 700,000 active users
  • Support: Google Cloud Web3 Startup Program grant
  • Global Brand: $50 million in branding contracts with mainstream celebrities and creators, including Kingsley Coman, Bryan Habana and P-Square.

The Lingo Team

Lingo’s team comprises industry experts from former Binance, ConsenSys and Google top executives, led by a co-founder who previously founded John-Paul (acquired for $150 million). Lingo advisors include Duncan Murray (ex-Black Rock), Rachel Howes (ex-Managing Director at Booking), Paul Bunting (SMB Director at Microsoft), and Adrien Delaroche (Principal Web3 at Google).

Investors and Partners

Lingo is supported by leading investors, including Morningstar Ventures, GBV Capital, Zerostage Capital, Solidity Ventures, Maven Capital, and more. Strategic investors include influential figures like Carl The Moon, Altcoin Daily, Ivan on Tech, Brian Jung, Miles Deutscher, and more.

Lingo on a Journey

Users can join Lingo in revolutionizing mainstream crypto adoption and potential real-world rewards. Interested users can stay tuned to Lingo’s official channels for more details on how to participate in the public presale and contribute to the future of consumer crypto.

About Lingo

Lingo is a leading gamified, RWA-powered rewards ecosystem, designed to bring real-life rewards for the next billion wave of consumer crypto. Backed by top-tier investors and advisors, Lingo is set to launch in Q3 2024, aiming to lead the RWA and rewards space with its revolutionary model.


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HM Rawat

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Hong Kong Attracts Tech Giants With Favorable Crypto Regulations And Low Taxes | EVM News




The return of blockchain tech companies to Hong Kong reflects growing confidence in its evolving virtual asset market. With robust regulatory frameworks, ambitious government initiatives, and favourable tax policies, Hong Kong is positioning itself as a competitive global centre for virtual assets, attracting investment from around the world.

Since mid-2023, Hong Kong has allowed fully legal crypto trading under specific regulations, setting itself apart from mainland China, where crypto trading has been banned since December 2021. Despite being a special administrative region of China, Hong Kong has taken a favourable stance towards cryptocurrencies.

In the last 12 months, a significant number of Crypto & blockchain technology companies have returned to Hong Kong, indicating growing confidence in the future development of its virtual asset market. 

As Hong Kong approaches the 27th anniversary of its return to China, the financial industry in the Special Administrative Region (SAR) is experiencing rapid growth. The SAR government has set ambitious goals, proposing to establish Hong Kong as a global hub for virtual assets. This initiative has led to an influx of digital economy conferences, attracting numerous leaders from the crypto industry to Hong Kong.

One key factor contributing to Hong Kong’s attractiveness is its regulatory environment. Over the past year, the SAR government has implemented rigorous rules for supervising licensed platforms for crypto companies. These regulations have significantly enhanced global investor confidence in Hong Kong’s virtual asset market. As a result, many talented individuals and technology companies have chosen to return to Hong Kong for growth. 

The consensus within the Crypto industry is that Hong Kong’s advantages in fostering the virtual asset market are becoming increasingly evident.

Some experts noted that a critical aspect of Hong Kong’s appeal lies in its tax policies. Unlike countries such as Japan and Australia, where investments in cryptocurrencies are subject to asset appreciation taxes that can reach rates as high as 50% and 40% respectively, Hong Kong imposes no such taxes.

A favourable tax regime is particularly attractive to international investors seeking to maximise their investment returns. By offering a low-tax environment for virtual asset investments, Hong Kong is poised to attract more global capital and strengthen its position as a leading hub for the virtual asset industry.

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SEC Sues Consensys Over MetaMask, Alleges Securities Violations | EVM News




The SEC has sued Consensys, alleging that its digital asset wallet MetaMask engaged in illegal securities sales and acted as an unregistered broker.

ConsenSys is a popular blockchain software company known for developing technologies like MetaMask. It focuses on decentralised applications & tools around the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. 

On 28 June 2024, The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit against Consensys in federal court in Brooklyn, New York.

The SEC body alleged that Consensys, known for its blockchain software for the Ethereum blockchain, illegally sold unregistered securities and acted as an unregistered broker through its Crypto wallet, MetaMask.

According to the SEC’s allegations, the ConsenSys firm generated $250 million in revenue with the unregistered securities trading services.

Earlier this year, Consensys tried to challenge the SEC preemptively by filing its lawsuit in Texas. They argued that the SEC was overstepping its authority. Consensys took this action after receiving three subpoenas last year and a Wells notice from the SEC, which warned that Consensys was violating federal securities laws.

SEC vs legal hurdles

Many legal experts noted that the SEC body overstepped its authority & tried regulating the crypto sector via enforcement & also pressured the crypto companies to follow traditional financial rules, which are not even applicable to cryptocurrencies.

Recently Coinbase crypto exchange’s legal team filed a suit against the SEC & FEDIC body to get clarity on which rules or laws are used by the SEC body to regulate the sector. 

In a recent development, the Supreme Court determined that the Chevron deference, a longstanding judicial doctrine granting federal agencies deference if their interpretations of federal regulations were deemed “reasonable” and if Congress had not explicitly addressed those regulations, is no longer considered a valid standard for regulatory agencies.

Many experts noted that the Supreme Court’s decision to invalidate the Chevron deference could create a more favourable environment for crypto companies. This is because there are currently unclear rules for the crypto sector, and regulatory agencies cannot enforce actions based on old rules that do not clearly define the nature of crypto assets.

Read also: Binance Scores Partial Victory as Judge Dismisses Some SEC Charges

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Denmark Country Plans To Ban Some Bitcoin & Defi Wallets  | EVM News




Denmark has proposed new regulations that might ban the use of self-custody Bitcoin wallets and other decentralised finance (DeFi) platforms.

Denmark, a Nordic country known for its high standard of living, allows the legal trading, buying, and selling of cryptocurrencies. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority oversees cryptocurrency activities to ensure compliance with financial regulations and prevent money laundering. Recent proposals suggest Denmark may be planning to bring more strict rules & laws to regulate the unregulated part of this innovative sector.

Denmark’s latest approved regulatory proposal could ban self-custody Bitcoin wallets and other DeFi interfaces, decentralised Cryptocurrency protocols. 

The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (DFSA) plans to ban all unregulated wallets due to concerns about unregulated cryptocurrency activities. Despite criticism, the DFSA argues this move will ensure crypto transactions are regulated and address a coverage gap in DeFi regulation.

If this rule is implemented, it will contradict the EU’s Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) guidelines and the US’s stance on BTC self-custody wallets. MiCA regulations, effective from December 30, 2024, do not apply to the DeFi sector and have been criticised for stifling innovation but there are huge chances that lawmakers will work later on this issue, probably in 2025.

Estonia & self-custody wallet ban

Estonia, another European Union (EU) member country, has implemented similar rules on self-custodial wallets, which could negatively impact the sector in Denmark. 

Crypto enthusiasts noted that if Denmark adopts these rules, no one will be able to offer Bitcoin wallets, DEX interfaces, or any token-related services without being regulated in Denmark’s jurisdiction & there are huge chances that similar measures will be adopted by other EU member countries.

In contrast, the US crypto infrastructure bill FIT21 Act has chosen to study DeFi, like MiCA, instead of regulating it. The DFSA is now seeking feedback from stakeholders on its proposals. That means, the American regulatory body decided to first study this unregulated sector, instead of direct ban/unban decision.

Read also: VanEck Files for SOL Spot ETF with SEC; Technical Indicators Point to Potential $200 Breakout”

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